
Will Siding Shrink?

New siding is a great option for those homeowners who want the look and feel of a new home without having to move. New siding gives you better energy efficiency, beauty, durability, and protection than old house siding. Also new siding comes with long lasting color which doesn’t need to be painted.

But, are there downsides to new siding? Can it shrink? This is a highly googled question believe it or not so we wanted to inform you, our readers, of the answer to this puzzling conundrum. If you’ve joined us for today’s article, welcome, and let’s jump right into it.

Cedar Ridge Siding

Most siding does not shrink. Cedar Ridge siding is made of compressed composite material which stays the same over the life of the product; and is an exclusive siding to Conservation Construction of Texas. This product was engineered specifically to last a lifetime and it does this very well. It does not expand or contract with the sun and gives you better energy efficiency because of the insulated backing. Cedar Ridge Siding is virtually maintenance free. This siding pretty much stays the same in all climates; whether it be freezing temperatures or scorching heat. You want consistency out of your siding. After all, it is protecting your home.

James Hardie Siding

This siding is a great option for all who are looking for an impact resistant siding. This siding too insulates and can reduce energy costs. It wasn’t until today however, that I learned this siding can shrink. It is very rare for it to shrink, however. You just need to ensure a few simple things . . .

James Hardie siding is made of a mix of cement and cellulose fibers. It’s installation process is very tricky and needs to be done by the right set of professionals to ensure that shrinkage of any kind does not occur. Why is this? James Hardie Siding is much like wood floors. If you’ve ever had wood floors installed in your home, you know that the wood must be placed in your home 2 to 3 weeks before installation occurs so the wood acclimates to the air conditions in your home. If the wood is installed too dry or too wet, it will expand or contract and could cause permanent gaps or buckles. The same goes for James Hardie Siding. It must be stored properly for it to be functional. If your contractor installs Hardie siding when it’s saturated or lets it get wet, it may show signs of shrinkage or even staining over time.

The most common problem with James Hardie Siding is improper installation. That’s why, at Conservation Construction of Texas, we have expert teams to get the job done right the first time. We make sure the entire installation from start to finish is exceptional. James Hardie Siding comes with a lifetime manufacturer's warranty as well. If these simple things are followed James Hardie Siding will last a lifetime and have no problems whatsoever.

Final Thoughts

If you’re looking to get exceptional Siding Replacement, Conservation Construction of Texas can help you with that. With our line of phenomenal siding you’re bound to find the right one for you. We hope you’ve learned a lot in today’s article about whether or not siding shrinks. Remember, most siding doesn’t shrink. There is one rare exception, but the majority of the time new sidings give you energy efficiency, durability, beauty, and protection. Give us a comment on your favorite part of the article. Get your free quote here.