
The Most Common Places Energy Leaks Out Of Your Home


We’re guessing you pay an enormous amount of money to heat and cool your house year round. With inflation on the rise and no end in sight, it’s no surprise that energy bills have gone up 8% in the past year alone, and are likely to rise again in 2023. With the costs so high it’s good to look at the places in your home that are costing you energy efficiency and increasing your electric bill. 

So, what is the most common spot in your home for energy leakage? It can happen in multiple locations throughout the house. In today’s article we will cover the most common areas where air could be potentially leaking out of your home and causing higher energy costs. Keep reading to learn more. 


#1 Most Common Place 

Around 38% of heat loss in your home comes from cracks in your walls, windows and doors (often invisible to the naked eye). In fact, a ⅛ inch gap under a wide door will let as much cold air into your home as a 2.4 inch hole through your wall. If you have gaps in your windows as well there could be even more energy than that leaking out.


How To Know

You can do a visual inspection of your doors and windows, but chances are you can also just feel if cold or hot air is emanating from specific spots in your home — near windows and doors. Also, listen to your furnace and A/C. You can tell if energy is escaping quickly, if your HVAC system is kicking on every few minutes after it has just turned off. Stop letting inefficient windows and doors drag down your home’s efficiency. 


What To Do

Energy efficient windows and doors like the ones we sell at Conservation Construction of Dallas are extremely energy efficient. They are also made of the highest quality material and measured to fit your exact space. This means you’ll get windows and doors with insulation. They also have the tightest seal possible to ensure protection against air-infiltration.  People who switch to new efficient windows and doors can see an average savings of up to 40% off their total energy costs. 



If you would like to be more comfortable in your own home and reduce your energy costs it’s easy to get new windows and doors.  New windows and doors keep the inside of your home a more stable room temperature all year long. So come winter and summer you can sit by your favorite window and feel comfortable all year long. 


Final Thoughts

Look and listen for the signs of inefficient windows and doors. You can tell from gaps in your doors and breezes coming in through the gaps. If you hear your HVAC system coming on all day and all night it’s another great thing to note. You can save up to 40% off your energy costs by simply switching to new windows and doors. If you are in need of window and door replacement you can contact us today for your free quote. Our line of windows and doors are efficient, beautiful, functional, and durable. Please comment below with what you enjoyed from this article. We will see you next week for another article.