
New Windows Help Preserve The Inside Of Your Home 

In today’s article we’ll be discussing how new windows can help your home. How do they do this exactly? Keep reading to learn more . . . 


Old Windows

Old windows that were even 10 years or older don’t protect your home from the harsh UV rays that come through everyday. As advancements happen with new home windows yearly, it’s good to upgrade your windows to energy efficient ones to prevent higher energy bills and bleached furniture. Stop just shutting the curtains to prevent energy loss. 

Low-E Glass 

With new windows you don’t have to shut the curtains to keep out the heat. You can experience all the glorious views without compromising energy efficiency. New windows from Conservation Construction of Dallas have a specialty glass coating. This coating sits on the glass for life and reflects harmful UV rays back outside where they belong. In addition, this coating doesn’t obstruct the view in the process. This coating includes 4 layers of protective coating to bounce the UV rays back outwards and prevent it from entering your home. So you get all the sunshine without the heat. This means that your home will remain a more stable room temperature all year round. 



Because this coating works to prevent harmful UV rays, the inside of your home will not only be more energy efficient, but will protect the inside of your home. With new windows bleached furniture and flooring is a thing of the past. You will no longer have to worry about that rug fading or your couch getting bleached in certain areas. Your furniture will stay preserved for much longer. This too means that you’ll spend less money down the line paying for new furniture. 


Save A Ton Of Money

New Windows from Conservation Construction can save you a ton of money. Average customers save up to 40% off their total energy bill. In addition, you’ll save money down the line not having to buy new floors and furniture. With so much savings you’ll have a ton of extra money to spend on whatever you want. 


Lifetime Warranties

Our windows come with lifetime limited warranties as well. So you get top notch protection for life. If anything ever goes wrong with your windows we have it covered under the warranty. We have one of the best warranties on the market today. Ask your sales rep for more information on our phenomenal warranties. 


Final Thoughts 

It’s easy to preserve the inside of your home and cut down energy costs in the process when you choose new windows from Conservation Construction. You’ll get stable room temperatures, stunning views, and protection from the harsh UV rays. If you are considering getting new windows click here for your free quote. Do you think we missed something? Please ask any questions in the comment section below. Thank you for reading today’s article and we will see you next time.