
Friday Installation Jokes! 


We thought we’d try to make you laugh in today’s article. Since we install windows, siding and doors, we thought we’d give you some funny installation jokes to take into the weekend. If you are in need of your own window, siding or door replacement please get your free quote by clicking here. Keep reading for the jokes . . . 


  1. Did you know there’s deep-seated corruption within the elevator installation business? 

It goes all the way to the top. Maybe even the penthouse!

2. After years of never having enough hot water, and countless cold showers, we finally had an on-demand water heater installed, that provides unlimited hot water.

And although the plumber did an excellent installation and worked quickly, we did not express our appreciation. It was a tankless job.

3. A mirror installation guy….

Now there’s a job I could really see myself doing…

4. My grandfather once told me, “When one door closes, another one opens.”

Lovely man, terrible cabinet maker.

5. Today a man knocked on my door and asked for a donation for the neighborhood pool…

I gave a glass of water.

6. Why did the tree install solar panels?

It wanted to be a power plant.

7. the latest trend

I hear the latest trend is to install trampolines on cruise ships – apparently everyone’s jumping on board

8. If Apple designed a house, what would they not install?


9. The other day I decided to install a highly decorative wall plug in my living room.

I needed a creative outlet.

10. Can we uninstall 2020 and install it again?

That version had a virus.

Final Thoughts

Once again, thank you so much for reading today’s article. We hope these jokes at the very least made you chuckle. Contact Conservation Construction of Texas if you need windows, siding or doors. Comment below with your own installation jokes! We love to hear from you. We’ll see you next week for another thrilling article.