
Energy loss is overlooked in a home because it’s not clear just how much money you’re losing when it comes to energy. If people knew just how energy/money was being leaked to the outside they might put a higher priority into energy saving.

The average American loses 35% of their total energy just through leaks in walls alone. If you add in windows and doors that’s an additional 15-17% more. Ever wonder why the furnace or AC won’t turn off? It’s probably because your home is not as energy efficient as it could be. Think about if it were how much you’d save in just one month if you switched to energy efficient siding.

New siding can reduce heating and cooling costs all year round because of its insulating properties. This means whether it be Fiber Cement Siding, Cedar Ridge Siding or Vinyl Siding, you’ll get statistically significant savings all year round! Hooray for your wallet! I had a co-worker last year who alone was spending 450$ a month to cool her house. Siding could potentially save her 35% off her energy costs. That money would go back into her home and the money would go back into her pocket.

Siding replacement is always a good idea for another reason too, and that’s protection. Not only does new siding insulate, it protects better from storms that may come your way. The base Vinyl siding can withstand winds of up to 110 mph, and Cedar Ridge Siding can withstand winds of up to 160 mph. That’s very good news for your home. You won’t worry when the next storm comes in, because you’ve got the right siding out there to protect you.

Another huge drain of your finances and time is repainting old siding. Newer sidings such as Fiber Cement and Cedar Ridge have new color technologies which ensure the longevity of color. That’s right, new siding will never have to be painted again! It’s okay to cheer at this part after you learn you’ll save money from this expensive forever!

If you see cracked or warped panels on your current siding this could be hiding an underlying issue. Untreated water can damage more than just the siding alone. If water has gotten through the cracks and into the foundation, this could spell major problems later. Forget air leaks and heat loss, if water has damaged the foundation it could cost you thousands upon thousands of dollars to fix. We recommend you get replacement siding before this happens.

Finally, siding adds back 75% of the value in equity you put into the project initially. When selling, you’ll have better curb appeal, and you can ask for a higher price from potential buyers. Both of these things ensure a great future for you!

In conclusion we’ll recap. 35% of the total energy you use goes right out with the breeze if you don’t have energy efficient products. You can potentially save up to half of your total energy bill if you switch out all 3 things which are; windows, siding and doors. Finally, new siding gives back 75% in equity what it costs, it adds curb appeal, never has to be painted again, saves energy, protects better and insulates more. New siding gives you huge savings down the line.

As always, thanks for commenting and reading. We look forward to our next article when we can have you as a reader again.