
New Patio Door Locks

Are you in need of a new Patio Door but wonder how safe they are? Patio Doors of the past were only secured by one latch. In fact, really old Patio Doors could be just lifted off the track. This was not safe or secure, and left many houses vulnerable to forced entry. Patio Doors of today are a  bit more secure, keep reading to learn more . . . 


How Do Patio Door Locks Work

They have a clasp that closes around the inside shaft area of the door. By the handle you use to open and close the door, you should see a lever. This is used to open and close the clasp. Doing so allows the clasp to open or close around the shaft, and in turn it locks the door. 


Modern Patio Door Locks

Traditionally, sliding doors, or any glass patio doors, have been seen as a vulnerable point for break-ins, however, modern sliding doors are much less vulnerable and offer a number of security features to keep your home safe. Modern Patio Door locks are backed by lifetime limited warranties and latch securely for life. Sliding patio doors are the most secure type of patio door. They have shatter-resistant double or triple-paned glass and the latch is secure when in place. Sliding doors are also heavier than other patio doors. At Conservation Construction of Dallas we have . . . 


Optional Bottom Locks

With old Patio Doors you would have to put a piece of wood behind the door to ensure that you had safety. Now, you can choose the option of having a foot lock which locks the door on the bottom too.  No more sticks to keep your home secure. You’ll have a latch and a foot lock so the door can truly only be opened from the inside. This gives your home so many layers of protection! 


Energy Efficiency

On top of our Patio Doors being extremely safe, they are also extremely energy efficient. People who switch out their old Patio Door with a new energy efficient door from Conservation Construction of Dallas can save up to 40% off their total energy costs. That huge savings, but it also equates to more stable room temperatures all year long. Overall you’ll be more comfortable in your house because of stable temperatures and protection! 


Lifetime Limited Warranties

It is true that all of our products come with Lifetime Limited Warranties. If anything ever goes wrong with the product we have you covered under the warranty. This means your door will function properly and give you energy efficiency for the life of the door. 


Final Thoughts

Modern Patio Doors have secure locks which function for life. You can even get custom bottom foot locks. If you are in need of new Patio Door Replacement please visit our website for your free quote. You’ll be impressed by just how safe and energy efficient our Patio Doors are. Comment below with what your favorite part of the article was.