
Hilarious Door Jokes

Hilarious Door Jokes


Thank you for joining us for today’s article where we will be sharing all kinds of funny jokes about doors! Keep reading for a good laugh and remember that Conservation Construction of Dallas does complete Front Door and Patio Door Replacement projects! If you are in need of a free quote for new door replacement you can reach out to us today here. 


  1. Did you hear about the person who invented the door knocker?

He won a no-bell prize.

  1. Why did the door go to the therapist?” “Because it had a problem opening up.
  2.  What did the door say to the wall?” “I’ll handle this one, you just stand there and wait your turn.
  3. Knowing how to pick locks has really opened a lot of doors for me. 
  4. When is a door not a door?
  5. What is a door’s favorite TV show? Doora the explorer.
  6. What do you get when 10000 blueberries try to go through the door at the same time? A blueberry jam
  7. How does a ghost unlock a door? With a spoo-key
  8. After years of wondering what happens behind closed doors, I finally know the answer. The post just lands on the carpet.
  9. A clown held a door open for me the other day. I thought, “what a nice jester”
  10. I used to work at a revolving door company. Then I thought, “this job is going nowhere fast”
  11. What do you call a man lying in front of a door? Mat 



Tell these jokes to your friends for a good laugh and recommend us if they need a new front door or patio door. We will see you again next week for another article about one of our amazing products.